When Lunatics Run the Asylum

United States Post Office
Maywood, CA
Video posted here of an anti-illegal immigration rally that was counter-protested by what only can be described as a mob. The mob raised the Mexican flag and police were unable to take it down. The mob also chased an elderly man into a store where he had to be rescued by police. Pictures (you'll have to watch the video for the worst of their signage) posted by the perps here and their story here.
Read it and weep.
Off topic but in case you are wondering how a normal person like myself "discovers" these totally off the charts, red diaper doper baby websites like Independent Media. The answer is simple. The Virginia Democrat website. They have a link to a site called Punk Voter which links to all kinds of nasty stuff insulting our troops and most Americans. Check it out but don't do it with the kids in the room.
Way to go Dems. Way to go Webb. Way to go Kaine. Way to go Warner. Way to go Scott. Way to go Weed. Way to go Kellam. Way to go Moran. Way to go. And how I wish you would.
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