Saturday, August 05, 2006

Minimum Wage Hike Dies Due To Dems Death Wish

I really like Rocinante's Burdens take on the death of the Minimum Wage Hike. The entire post is excellent. Here is a snip:
4. It seems that the only thing that is important to the Democrats is not losing a political game of points and one-ups-man-ship in their partisan bickering with the Republicans. Given the choice, They will deprive millions of the so-called working poor of a badly needed increase in income (their words) just to make a handful of dead rich people (and their living heirs) pay more taxes, which they can completely afford, and which the government can also do completely without (as evidenced by the fact that they are doing without it now).

Does this make any sense to anyone?

Yes. It makes sense to researchers at Stanford University. Years ago they studied a strange quirk of human behavior. It seems that there are people in this world who will intentionally forego a financial benefit to themselves in exchange for the satisfaction that comes from the belief that they are “sticking it to” some total stranger. These people vote Democrat.


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