Thursday, August 17, 2006

Augusta Co. Democrats: You Can Help Yourself But Don't Take Too Much...

Excerpt from A Rude Political Awakening about the political booths at the Augusta Co. Fair last week:
The girls - the oldest is 11, the youngest the 8-year-old twins - made it a point to stop at every political booth to get whatever they could in terms of bumper stickers and balloons and campaign literature to take home with them.
The Republican group practically signed them up to be members - we spent perhaps 20 minutes there, and the volunteers at the collection of tables supporting the local party and its candidates were gracious to help the girls get everything they could to take home with them for later on.
The folks at the Democratic Party table were noticeably less so - in particular one woman who actually shooed us away from the table upon seeing the girls' collection of memorabilia from the GOP and Simes.
My wife, Crystal, tried to cover the woman's rudeness in front of the girls - "They're undecided voters," she said, pointing to our nieces, and laughing.
She played good cop - I played bad cop.
"But they won't be for long, if this is the way they're going to get treated," I said under my breath as we made our way out the door.

Hat tip to RightsideVA


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