Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stem Cells, Blogs United Martinsville and BlogNetNews

This bloggin' stuff is a lot of fun but trying to do it around a work schedule, family and VRWC activities is difficult sometimes. I'm really looking forward to the Blogs United For Free Speech in Martinsville summit in hopes of picking brains and discovering secrets to streamline the blogging experience and make it more productive.

One of the things I've had a problem with is writing a post and then trying to find what other bloggers have written on the subject so I can link to them. Very time consuming (at least the way I was doing it) and it never failed that I would get sidetracked by some other interesting bits along the way. Then it would be a mad rush out the door to get to work on time and nothing would be finished.

I wrote a post on stem cells that followed along those lines yesterday. This evening I decided to try out the Handy Dandy Virginia Search Tool from BlogNetNews to see what folks had been writing on the subject. I was very pleased with the results, especially when I saw my post listed. heh.

Here are a few of the blogs I could have linked to in the original post if I had used the search tool in a timely manner:
Spark It Up!
Virginia Virtucon
From On High
Mason Conservative
Fact of the Matter
NoVa Townhall
Shaun Kenney

Pretty cool.


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