We'll let the man himself, Neal Boortz, write the burst this week. Well, not really. From Neal's Nuze of 24-Jul-06 at his web site:
The FairTax movement is going strong my friends, stronger than you might imagine. I can assure you that the FairTax is attracting an ever-increasing degree of attention in Washington. I wish I could share the details, but the wonderful world of politics is such that it is much better to let the people involved spill the beans than to jump the gun by disclosing their interest or involvement ahead of time.
There have been three events in recent months that have really peaked interest among the political class. First was the debut of The FairTax Book on the New York Times Bestseller's list for paperbacks. We're still there ranking very high in the business category. Second was the FairTax rally in Atlanta a few months ago. When we packed a room full of 4,500 people, and then turned another 4,000 away, the shockwaves were felt inside the Beltway the very next day. On the morning after the rally Congressman Linder, who had returned to Washington overnight, was buttonholed by a number of colleagues to explain "just what it was you did there in Atlanta last night."
Last week's Georgia primaries in Georgia also opened some eyes. The FairTax was on the Republican primary ballot in three metropolitan Atlanta counties, and in each county the idea of replacing the income tax with the FairTax was approved by over 85% of the voters. When a reform idea as huge as the FairTax receives that type of an approval rating people, especially politicians, take note.
Another thing happened last week that impressed a number of high-ranking DC political-types. I received about 15 emails from people who told me that they originally had no intention of participating in the primary ... UNTIL, that is, they heard me say that the FairTax was on the ballot. Those emails are now in the hands of some of the most powerful people in Washington.
Simply put --- when you have an issue that (1) sends people to the polls who would otherwise not vote, and (2) gets the support of over 85% of the voters, you have an issue that can drive an election. Politicians know it.
Now ... what's next?
This coming Saturday on the steps of the Orlando City Hall we're going to have a rally in support of the FairTax! Our Orlando affiliate, News Talk 580 WDBO has done a spectacular job of setting this rally up, and Jesse The FairTax Babe has added a pancake breakfast to hungry rally participants!
Come on, folks. We can do this! We can bring about this massive transfer of power from the government to the people, but only if you'll get off your keesters and help us out!
Yesterday afternoon I was talking to a friend in Naples. I told him we were trying to get at least 10,000 people in front of the Orlando City Hall, and asked him if he was going to come to the rally. He told me that if there were going to be that many people there, then it wouldn't make much difference if he showed up or not!
That, my friends, is the type of thinking that can lead to a small turnout; and a small turnout takes a lot of steam out of the FairTax movement.
I can promise you that if we put 10,000 into downtown Orlando for this rally it will be the talk of Washington the next Monday. What happens on Saturday will have a lot to do with whether or not we make any progress toward making the FairTax a prime issue in this Fall's election.
Yes. It's a sacrifice. Reform like this doesn't happen without sacrifice. You can be a part of a revolution here. It can't be done with you sitting on your hands.
The FairTax Blogburst is jointly produced by Terry of The Right Track Blog and Jonathan of Publius Rendezvous. If you would like to join us, please e-mail Terry or Jonathan. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll.
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