Who's Your Daddy? Milbloggers Say: CONCRETEBOB!

ConcreteBob, the man who handily dispatched Code Pink protesters from the gates of Walter Reed Army Medical Center will live forever in the hearts of FReepers, Protest Warriors and Wounded Warriors.
From the National Journal/Beltway Buzz coverage of the Milblog Conference, Saturday, April 22 2006 in DC:
At least twice, panelists called attention to "Concrete Bob," an active member of Free Republic who was in the audience. He played a key role early this year in forcing the group Code Pink Women for Peace to relocate its protests outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
The protests prompted the milblog community to swarm both virtually and physically. Concrete Bob received a rousing round of applause when Andi praised him for "kicking Code Pink to the curb".
"The people who are in that hospital are not the policymakers," said Ziegenfuss, who spent time at Walter Reed recovering from his injuries. "They are the policy enforcers. ... There's a time and a place for everything, and outside a hospital is not the place."
The code pink was a serious coup!!! Gotta love that Eagle, Globe and Anchor!!!!
Concrete Bob, you da MAN! Mad respect to you, dissin' code pinko.
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