Thursday, April 06, 2006

NBC's Bait Fails at Martinsville

File this under "You-Have-Got-To-Be-Kidding-Me".
NASCAR said it was "outrageous" that "Dateline NBC" targeted one of its race tracks last weekend for a possible segment on anti-Muslim sentiment in the United States.

NASCAR said NBC confirmed it was sending Muslim-looking men to a race, along with a camera crew to film fans' reactions. The NBC crew was "apparently on site in Martinsville, Va., walked around and no one bothered them," NASCAR spokesman Ramsey Poston said Wednesday.

"It is outrageous that a news organization of NBC's stature would stoop to the level of going out to create news instead of reporting news," Poston said.

"Any legitimate journalist in America should be embarrassed by this stunt. The obvious intent by NBC was to evoke reaction, and we are confident our fans won't take the bait," he said.
NBC/Dateline response:
"It's very early on in our newsgathering process, but be assured we will be visiting a number of locations across the country and are confident that our reporting team is pursuing this story in a fair manner," it said.

UDATE: Kilo's got this - Race Baiting? LOL!


Blogger Spank That Donkey said...

NBC... stature??? Well, yeah they are a traditional source of news...

I heard this on Limbaugh today, and I am glad you are posting on it... not every body gets to listen to "El Rushbo", "the Uber Male", The "Maha Rushie", "America's Truth Detector"..

Which one's did I miss???

April 06, 2006 10:03 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

When the rest of the world gets too crazy (especially when my son was deployed) I just listen to Rush for an hour or two and my outlook becomes more positive.

I'm glad he talked about this. I think Michelle Malkin broke the story originally.

April 07, 2006 11:17 PM  

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