Monday, April 10, 2006

Justin Smith Reports On Illegal Immigration Rally

Justin Smith said...

So I went to the "Equal Rights for Immigrants" rally on Sunday the 9th and almost got arrested. I got there at about 2:15 (the rally started at 2:30) and stood with a few other like minded citizens. My sign ("Being here illegally is not a civil right") was one of a few there with a pro LEGAL immigration message. Some others read, "Secure our Borders" and "No Amnesty". When we got there we were about 40 yards from the nearest person there for "immigrants rights". As the afternoon went on, more there for the rally showed up. As a result of the crowd getting larger, we ended up about 20 yards form the nearest person there for "immigrants rights". A group of police officers told us to move back because we were getting too close. After I explained to him that we had not moved and had been standing there for the last hour, he screamed, "NO ONE HAS GOTTEN ARRESTED YET, BUT IF YOU DON'T MOVE THERE WILL BE PROBLEMS". I politely smiled and told him that we were just there using our constitutional right to peaceably assemble, but that we would move back to avoid further conflict. We moved back far enough so that we were our original 40 yards from the rally, but were again instructed to move back, that we were still too close. They ended up backing us up 100 yards away.

I find it very telling that the majority of the rally was held in Spanish. It was my belief that part of becoming an American citizen was possessing a basic knowledge of the English language. I would dare say that 70%-80% of the people there, are here in our country illegally. The fact that my constitutional right were taken away and ignored, to provide those same rights (denied me) to an illegal alien, (who by the way does not have those same rights, because they are not a citizen of the U.S.) is very disturbing to say the least.

I also find it interesting that some of the sign carried there said "I am not a criminal". Criminal is defined as: "relating to, involving, or being a crime". If a crime is "an act or the commission of an act that is forbidden or the omission of a duty that is commanded by a public law and that makes the offender liable to punishment by that law", than that would make them a criminal if they are here illegally. One of the people there for the rally spit at my feet and said "F**king white people". A few others simply walked by and said "F**k you".

I think what make me the most upset about those backing amnesty is that the majority of them have turned this into a racial issue. One woman who was there called it "racism and nothing else." Most of what is being said about favoring people immigrating legally, is just that, wanting people to enter the country LEGALLY. I don't care if your black, white, Hispanic, or purple, if you don't come here legally, your not welcome.

While I was there, I was interviewed by two local news stations, the local newspaper, and a local radio station. When asked why I was there, I told them that I heard that there was a rally for immigrants rights, and wanted to be a part of it because I am very pro-immigrant. However it is important to note that I am very pro-legal immigrant and that an immigrant is "a person who comes to a country to take up PERMANENT residence".

1:28 PM

Justin posted this in the comments of my After Action Report. His report is much better than mine and while it should be on the front page of the RTD (he got one line) I am posting it here where it is more accessible.


Blogger Spank That Donkey said...

I wonder why INS wasn't there to check ID and maybe round a couple up? It would seem like a good opportunity.

April 11, 2006 8:12 AM  

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