Illegals to Protest in Richmond VA Sunday 04-09-06
Not to be outdone by their counterparts on the left coast, Richmond Moonbats (tinfoil hat required if you click on the link) will be staging a protest Sunday, April 9th, 2006, 2:30pm, Monroe Park.

From the flyer:
A quick look at the sponsors:
1. Mexicans Without Borders. This group sends up some Red flags for sure.
3. The Defenders for Freedom, Justice and Equality. Another sponsor of the March 19th event.
4. Legal Aid Justice Center Their contact person speaks spanish according to the flyer.
5. La Selecta radio station WVNZ 1320 AM. Owned by the Davidson Media Group.
Illegal Immigration commentary:
American Daughter Media Center
Jefferson Mammoth
Save the GOP
Spank Zone
Michelle Malkin
From On High and THIS
Tanker Brothers
The Gunn Nutt
Euphoric Reality
Gateway Pundit
The White House
Press Gaggle w/McClellan

From the flyer:
We are calling on all immigrants and friends to stop Congress from criminalizing 11 million immigrants, women, men and children.
We will not permit Congress to make criminals of the teachers, doctors, social workers, and clergy that provide help to undocumented immigrants.
A quick look at the sponsors:
1. Mexicans Without Borders. This group sends up some Red flags for sure.
Macrina Cárdenas is a leader of Mexicanos Sin Fronteras (Mexicans Without Borders), a Washington, D.C.-based immigrant rights group. Her organization has been active in fighting against growing harassment of immigrant workers, at the same time addressing the broader social and political roots of immigration. She serves on the steering committee of the anti-war coalition ANSWER. In this interview with Socialism and Liberation’s Brian Becker, Cárdenas explains her group’s perspective on the growing debate over immigration reform.2. The Virginia Organizing Project. Contact is C. Woodson who is also on the Board of Directors of Richmond Peace Education Project who lately sponsored the March 19th anti-war, anti-lead paint protest in Richmond.
3. The Defenders for Freedom, Justice and Equality. Another sponsor of the March 19th event.
4. Legal Aid Justice Center Their contact person speaks spanish according to the flyer.
5. La Selecta radio station WVNZ 1320 AM. Owned by the Davidson Media Group.
While the station has a solid advertising base now, Demetrio Flores said, the first six months were hard. Before Selecta was manned during the weekends, Spanish-language programming at another local radio station was yanked off the air suddenly because of a controversial show. That had a negative impact on advertisers, he said, and it took some work to convince them.
"Now we have [everybody] from Wal-Mart to Mi Rinc?n Latino announcing with us," he said.
Lawyers, real estate agencies, an alternative-medicine doctor, churches and even card readers now sponsor half-hour to hour paid programming on the station.
Illegal Immigration commentary:
American Daughter Media Center
Jefferson Mammoth
Save the GOP
Spank Zone
Michelle Malkin
From On High and THIS
Tanker Brothers
The Gunn Nutt
Euphoric Reality
Gateway Pundit
The White House
Press Gaggle w/McClellan
That photo is disgusting... to my immigrant relatives!!!!
Somewhere I've read the protesters have gotten a clue and are running out to buy American flags as they are feeling the backlash for the anti-american flavor of the demos in the last couple of weeks.
I'm thinking about dropping in on the Richmond protest for a first hand look. I wonder if the puppet people will be there. I always enjoy the puppets.
Nothing calls for Americans to go out and beat up hispanics better than a Mexican flag flown above the American flag in America. I hope you are ready for a race war.
Nothing calls for Americans to go out and beat up hispanics better than a Mexican flag flown above the American flag in America. I hope you are ready for a race war. Not that I am advocating violence because I'm not, it just might reach a boiling point sometime soon.
I feel the real "war" going on in this country which has swept up so many illegals is the war of ideology. The left is pushing hard for socialism and the suppression of true individual freedoms and national sovereignity.
Look at the leaders and organizers of the illegal alien protests some of whom acknowledge they are communists.
The only thing illegal immigrants need to be hit over the head with is common sense and morality.
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