Friday, April 21, 2006

Boycott the boycott, May 1st

There is a moment coming. A moment when thinking people will realize that there is an issue bigger than any political party can dictate the parameters of. Illegal immigration. No matter what anyone calls it: it is what it is. Semantics cannot change the reality. That is an unusual circumstance in contemporary politics. The socially liberal activists have been adept at re-defining the language to suit their purpose but it’s not working this time. Calling the illegal immigrant an undocumented worker? - What union worker will support that? No matter what you call it: there is someone challenging it.

I believe legal immigrants should have more input in this debate since they have been thru the process. They have as much to loose as anyone; by any reckoning. Legal immigrants come in all colors and degrees of education, from all countries and from all religious persuasions. So do illegal immigrants, although the “movement” is predominantly Hispanic. That brings up an important point.

Is it possible to talk about a group of people without lapsing into categorizing? Historically: no. That is why the nationality-challenged activists keep introducing individuals who immigrated illegally yet are otherwise admirable and law-abiding people. When we say they may not represent the larger mass of illegal immigrants – they say THAT IS RACISM!! In defense: stereotypes are by definition a description of a group or category of people, positive or negative. It is not defined as an untrue statement about a group of people. It may be true or not, it may be negative or positive.

Once upon a time, in my pre-conservative life, when I knew where to get a kilo of weed for $10, I lived in south Texas and most of the people I knew were illegal. I knew a man who had a "wife" on each side of the border. He would live with his "wife" in Texas and send money home to his people in Mexico. Then he'd get picked up and deported. He'd stay with his wife in Mexico awhile then he'd get back into Texas. When I knew him back in 1984, he was in his mid-twenties and had 3 kids north of the border and who knows how many in Mexico. This does not make me an expert on the immigration issue but there is no college degree for that. There are as many perspectives as there are people affected and sooner or later everyone will realize that everyone is affected. That’s just common sense.

The opponents of common sense are trying to control the conversation since they can’t address the facts with any kind of logic. Regular people aren’t falling for it. Most real, legal and patriotic Americans feel the same way about illegal immigration regardless of how deluded the politicians may be. One of my most dedicated liberal (born and raised union) democrat friends sent me this link… you must read this article. I absolutely howled with laughter and believe that there is hope for my friend.

May 1 Is Conservative Shopping Day!

In closing: Please, celebrate the May 1st boycott (Pinko de Mayo) by buying something and then stay home May 5th.


Blogger f mcdonald said...

Standing O, Yodi-Va! Standing O!!!!!!!

April 21, 2006 11:09 PM  
Blogger Alpheus said...

"The opponents of common sense are trying to control the conversation since they can’t address the facts with any kind of logic. Regular people aren’t falling for it. Most real, legal and patriotic Americans feel the same way about illegal immigration regardless of how deluded the politicians may be."

Exactly. We have a system in place already for immigration into this country, yet politicians on both sides of the aisle would like you to believe that we have none.

I have no problem with someone from Mexico wanting to immigrate to the US. I do have a problem when immigration to this country can be done with a backpack, a gallon of water and a walk up the Rio Grande. Follow the current legal proceedures, and get a green card.

It should be telling to the elected ones in D.C. that Mexico wants us to adhere to an immigration policy that is completely opposite of their own.

They can claim thier "constitutional rights" as illegal aliens when I can go down to Cancun and claim some beachfront property that I have wanted -- never happen.

April 22, 2006 9:26 AM  
Blogger Spank That Donkey said...

I think you are "nailing it on the head" with the observation about traditional unions supporting the Dems efforts to exploit the Latino vote.... Now you will also have some unions who see these immigrants as "new enlistees", and will try to unionize janitorial, food service workers, and agricultural workers.....

Can you see McDonald's unionized... Uhh you need fries?, I don't do fries, I do burgers, uh you need food, I don't do food, I am sanitation... etc. (its not in my union contract, I do thus)

April 23, 2006 10:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

National "Speak Out" Day Saturday, April 29th

as posted on

On Monday, May 1, 2006 the Illegal immigrants in America are planning a national “Walk Out” . On Saturday, April 29th we are promoting a National “Speak Out”. We are encouraging citizens and families all over America to invite their families and friends and neighbors to SOS BBQ’s, Picnics and rallies to Secure Our Borders. These rallies can be hosted at Parks, community centers, backyards an courtyards. We are holding these rallies on Saturday so we will not disrupt business, education, communities, traffic or families. We want to send a strong message but in a positive productive way.

We are also encouraging citizens throughout the United States to display White Ribbons on April 29th and continue to display them until our message is received in Washington. Please email us and let us know when you do this. Pictures are great too.

When you hold your rallies send us photos and the number of people who attended (children included) and we will post the info on our site– with your permission. Each week we will add up the number of people who attended.

April 25, 2006 1:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

olá, fico muito satisfeita com as manifestações dos imigrantes nos USA, tenho familiares aí e sei o quanto é injusto o tratamneto que o país oferece a eles, sendo ele ilegais. Mesmo eles trabalhando duro como trabalham. Dirlene

May 02, 2006 9:03 AM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

Dirlene- I ran your response (Portugese is it?) through an online language translator. The result was rather humorous but perhaps that was your intention:

hello, I am very satisfied with the demonstrations of the immigrants IT USES us, I have relatives there and know how much is unfair the tratamneto what the country offers to them, being he illegal. Even they working silver coin how they work.

It is all about the "silver coin" isn't it?

May 04, 2006 11:01 PM  

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