Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Who is Jim Webb?

United Conservatives of Virginia
I received an email from Jim Webb's campaign, and I was breezing through it, and at the bottom of the page, I saw this:
"P.S. The momentum on our campaign continues to grow. Today, General Wesley Clark endorsed my campaign for U.S. Senate! Join General Clark and support our campaign today!

Why would I support someone endorsed by Clark?



Blogger f mcdonald said...

IMHO Jim Webb is the Darth Vader of this Senate race. A good guy who crossed over to the dark side.

Wesley Clark, in the words of Bob Dylan, is Napoleon in drag. Remember when he posed for that picture on the cover of a gay mag when he ran for the Dem Presidential nomination? What was that all about?

I've got to dig up some of the Dims Are Funny Photo Archives.

March 29, 2006 11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty narrowminded there!

March 31, 2006 9:06 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

It would be wonderful if leaders in the Democrat Party would get behind the War on Terror. Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman are the only two that have done so openly and without apology to my knowledge.

Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Murtha, Moran, Durban, Dean etc. etc. have done their best to undermine the great work our military has done in Afghanistan and Iraq. They do so because they hate Pres. Bush more than they love America.

At this time in history I would be ashamed to still vote Democrat much less run as one. With American Troops in harm's way and the Dems doing everything possible to discourage them and embolden al quaida I marvel that you would think me narrowminded.

Tell you what, if you can get Jim Webb to stand up and proclaim his support of the War on Terror as our Military, President and Country are waging it, acknowledge that the War in Iraq is a vital part of that effort and vow to stay the course as long as necessary and condemn the disgusting conduct of the Democrat Leadership in regards to this, I will treat him with kid gloves.

It is one thing to argue and criticize before we go to war as Mr. Webb has done. It is quite another thing once the troops have deployed and the operation is underway to keep harping about why we should have done things differently Mr. Webb has done.

March 31, 2006 10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Webb's son is going to Iraq this summer (USMC).

Webb has laid out how to get out of Iraq more effectively than anyone currently in office.

He helps the troops' morale and has proven leadership.

April 01, 2006 8:57 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

I don't feel it is appropriate to make Mr. Webb's son a part of this debate but I will say - I am partial to Marines. I wish him God Speed and success on his mission.

Mr. Webb is running for the Senate, not Commander-in-Chief. The endless stream of negativity coming from the Democrat party does not help troop morale - how could anyone think otherwise.

Rep. Murtha visits wounded warriors, also, and his applause isn't coming from the troops, it's coming from radicals like Code Pink and the MSM.

Look what happened to John (did you know I served in Viet Nam) Kerry. He was admired for his service and lost the election because he turned on his brother warriors afterwards.

April 02, 2006 11:10 PM  

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