Paris In the Springtime
There is so much going on today, I don't know where to start... ah yes, the fascinating French.

Courtesy of BulletBobCo
Free Republic (graphic is courtesy of FReeper BulletBobCo) has a live thread on the Student Riots which briefly falls out something like this:
On the left side of the European continent, French students and hooded yutes (guess who) continued their protests. Things got increasingly ugly as students and hooded yutes turned on the root cause of their distress, automobiles and motorcycles. Having incinerated most of them in previous riots they turned on the police. The police had water cannons. Not good. Looking about for fresh targets, the hooded yutes turned on the students. Heard throughout the streets of formerly Gay Paree, "Viva lalalalalalalalalalala France!"
No Pasaran! is posting the Paris Riot Watch. Well worth a read.

Courtesy of BulletBobCo
Free Republic (graphic is courtesy of FReeper BulletBobCo) has a live thread on the Student Riots which briefly falls out something like this:
On the left side of the European continent, French students and hooded yutes (guess who) continued their protests. Things got increasingly ugly as students and hooded yutes turned on the root cause of their distress, automobiles and motorcycles. Having incinerated most of them in previous riots they turned on the police. The police had water cannons. Not good. Looking about for fresh targets, the hooded yutes turned on the students. Heard throughout the streets of formerly Gay Paree, "Viva lalalalalalalalalalala France!"
No Pasaran! is posting the Paris Riot Watch. Well worth a read.
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