History may be written by the victors, but, unfortunately, news is written by the media. So it’s up to us, the rightgirls and rightboys of the world, to correct the lies and misperceptions they promulgate throughout the country.
Richard Miniter provides plenty of material to accomplish this task in his book Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror. The UCV Book Club met on Wednesday to discuss Miniter’s book. We were in agreement that the evidence Miniter offers in his book strongly support his claims and give us a point-by-point way to dispute liberal allegations. Among the most common media myths: that bin Laden was funded by the CIA (myth #1), that Bush had advance warning of the September 11 attacks (myth #5), that Iraq had no WMDs (myth #11).
This book club member took issue with myth #7, that the-post September 11 world is more dangerous than the pre-September 11 world. Even after reading Miniter's thoughts, rightgirl still maintains that during the Cold War, at least we had MAD. Now, our enemy would destroy us even if it destroyed itself in the process.
Next up: The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington. See you April 12!
Richard Miniter provides plenty of material to accomplish this task in his book Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror. The UCV Book Club met on Wednesday to discuss Miniter’s book. We were in agreement that the evidence Miniter offers in his book strongly support his claims and give us a point-by-point way to dispute liberal allegations. Among the most common media myths: that bin Laden was funded by the CIA (myth #1), that Bush had advance warning of the September 11 attacks (myth #5), that Iraq had no WMDs (myth #11).
This book club member took issue with myth #7, that the-post September 11 world is more dangerous than the pre-September 11 world. Even after reading Miniter's thoughts, rightgirl still maintains that during the Cold War, at least we had MAD. Now, our enemy would destroy us even if it destroyed itself in the process.
Next up: The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington. See you April 12!
I had never heard that the CIA had funded Bin Laden... At least since the Afghan War to rid themselves of the Russians... That conclusion could be drawn just by the CIA in general funding the Mujahadeen, of which Bin Laden took part....
Bin Laden killed his main rival (and tacit ally in Afghan War vs Russians) just days before 9-11 (Masood)
The rest of the that other stuff is "tripe",
Saw the bumper sticker today "We are creating more enemies everyday, than we can kill".
I guess that "intellectual" should take to Heart Lisa of the Simpson's famous quote.
"Well are we going to do something, or stand here like the french"???
Don't be so hard on the French--they aren't always "idling". Their tanks have four gears: three are in reverse and one is forward, in case they get attacked from behind!
(One of my favorites--I couldn't resist.)
Clash of Civilisations is an amazing book. I'm on my way to reading it a second time (in scattered chapters).
Don't be too hard on the French, it sucks when your country only does better when a foreign born leader is ruling the place.
Napoleon (Corsica), Hitler (Austria/Germany), and America and Great Britain.
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