A Change of Heart On Iraq For Governor Kaine?
Governor Tim Kaine had some very supportive remarks in the Richmond Times Dispatch about the war in Afghanistan and Iraq after his trip overseas last week. It is quite unusual for a high profile Democrat official to say:
"morale was really high. That was really a highlight . . . just to get a chance to say, 'Thank you."
... "I do share the president's view that . . . we're there and it's time to build a democracy. That's pretty noble -- it's difficult, but it's noble." The big question is when American troops should leave Iraq, he said.I felt that the following remarks in his response to the President's State of the Union Address in January 2006 were presumptious and insulting:
"I have not been of a school that we should set a timetable to leave. I think that would be a real disaster. I feel that even stronger having been there," he said.
Has Governor Kaine experienced a change of heart or a change of strategy? I sincerely hope it is a change of heart. Our military men and women should never be used as political pawns.Our federal government should serve the American people. But that mission is frustrated by this administration's poor choices and bad management.
Families in the Gulf Coast see that as they wait to rebuild their lives. Americans who lose their jobs see that as they look to rebuild their careers. And our soldiers in Iraq see that as they try to rebuild a nation.
No doubt he will be "admonished" by the party "demorats" that any positive statements about the situation in Iraq is "UnDemocratic"
Having met the current Guv, when he was just a lowly 2nd District Councilman in Richmond, I think he was sincere in his comments (about Iraq). He is a Liberal through and through, but he is a "real" enough person that he would comment on what he actually experiences from the people he meets...
To meet Tim Kaine and have a conversation with him, you meet a truly sincere person.
That is reassuring. BTW I wore one of your FreedomGear shirts Sunday but it was so cold & windy it had to stay covered up.
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