Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Web Comments on Gov. Tim Kaine's PrimeTime Debut

The following comments are quotes from a live thread on as Virginia Governor Tim Kaine made his first national Prime Time appearance in response to President George W. Bush's State of the Union Speech. Pass the popcorn, please.

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Rebuttal. Aaaaahhhh, good! Potty break!

Nora O'Donnell on MSNBC says there was "no backing down tonight" from George Bush.
Eugene Robinson, Wash Post columnist, said "nothing new", and pretty good speech for Bush.
Uh oh....Kaine's got a problem with that eyebrow.

oh lordie, what's up with his eyebrow?

What is up with this dude's (Kaine's) left eyebrow? :)

His eyebrow is leaning to the left..

It's his 'left' wing.

Best dancing eyebrow since Roger Moore retired as 007. Mark Steyn

I am going to dream about eyebrow man. I mean, how did his wife stand at the altar and take marriage vows to that eyebrow. I would have collapsed.


All he needs above that left eyebrow is "Over l00 Million Sold".

Yes, definitely not low-brow!

Hair Plugs for EVERYONE!!!

I never saw a eyebrow like that before

OMG!!! This is the Democrat *plan*. Finally they have unveiled it: To get this eyebrow to speak. We all become so engrossed in the brow, we hear nothing they say. They are able to take over. Without firing a shot. Just that damned brow...rising...falling...rising...falling...

Girl I had to get my inhaler! I can't breath.

My wife was standing in front of the tv with an imaginary thread manipulating the eyebrow.
I laughed my --- off. I did not hear a word he said.

How now, brown brow?

Who is this guy?

Kaine is about to set a Laura Ingraham BUT MONKEY record.

Yeah, they think they can get some Red Staters to listen if he mentions that he was once a missionary, and then he secretly hypnotizes them with his eyebrow.

He is a missionary without a position.

I just woke up my wife and one year old daughter laughing so hard..
The People's eyebrow.. Do you know what the Rock is cooking!!!!

He would have made a wonderful game show host.

The height of the eyebrow is directly proportionate to the amount of emphasis on the phrase....

If he wasn't so illogical I would think he is Vulcan.

This is a parody right? Right?

Geeze, I am watching eyebrow man with the mute on and it is surrealistic.

He must have borrowed Boxer's stencil.

I was trying to not laugh about his eyebrow but it's really starting to be the only thing he's presenting that is making a point.

Holycrap. Someone has knitted his left brow into an eye scarf.

Is he saying something?

Cyrano says "that's not an eyebrow, that's a combover"

Isn't this guy a virtual rookie Governor? And he's going to talk about national security and Iraq? At this point I'm waiting for his jacket to start on fire to liven things up.

I'm gonna be needing a flow chart if he's on much longer.

What a trip! I found that I could not focus on what he was saying, because I was watching the northern portion of his face. How bizarre. Who is this guy, and will we be forced to watch him again?

I think that eyebrow had a mind of its own. It was like liberated from the rest of his body, yearning for freedom.

So is THAT what is meant by 'raising Kaine'?

Today was a good day, sorry to see it end.

Me too.

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Blogger American Daughter said...

After thoroughly enjoying the terrific Bush speech, I forced myself to watch the rebuttal. After all, we are bloggers, and must know what is going on.

I was so distracted by his eyebrow I couldn't concentrate. It seemed so odd. I felt a bit guilty, because I don't like to "judge a book by its cover."

I can't tell you how grateful I am for this round-up. It makes me feel a whole lot better, and I laughed out loud all the way down the list of comments.

To the substance of his remarks: Remember how Kerry kept saying "I have a plan, I have a plan" but never said what it was? For Kaine, it's "There's a better way. There's a better way." But he never said what that was, either.

Do they think repetition is a substitute for ideas?

February 01, 2006 3:13 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

After 4 years of Mark Warner as Gov. I was surprised to learn our schools were in chaos. He didn't mention Virginia's transportation fiasco which has not improved one iota in NoVa and on and on.

I might have given the boy a pass but he just had to drag our troops into it and the gloves came off.

I dropped in on the FReeper thread and immediately the anger melted and I was grinning from ear to ear.

Glad you enjoyed it.

February 01, 2006 5:08 PM  
Blogger Spank That Donkey said...

Great Post!!! and may the "Brow be with You" !!! (must be the newest Dem, motto) AKA Star Wars "may the force be with you".

February 01, 2006 8:15 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

Ha! "May the Brow Be With You" will be the title of my next Kaine post.

February 01, 2006 10:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Mr. Kaine...NO TAX HIKES

February 02, 2006 12:16 PM  
Blogger f mcdonald said...

Hi Gopher! Glad you could drop in and I for one will be contacting the Guv as well as my Delegate and Senator.

February 02, 2006 2:37 PM  
Blogger southannacitizen said...

Love the picture! It says a thousand words...and $6 billion in taxes...

February 11, 2006 9:48 PM  

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