Monday, February 20, 2006

UCV Book Club March 8

The next UCV Book Club meeting is Wednesday, March 8, 2006. We will be meeting at 7 p.m. at the Ukrops Cafe & Grill in the Ukrops at the corner of Patterson and Three Chopt. Directions

We have reserved the upstairs area directly over the Grill using the title UCV Book Club.

This month’s book is Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror by Richard Miniter. I’m about halfway into the book, and so far I’m impressed. Miniter uses (get this) evidence to dispel commonly held and commonly repeated myths. While there is room for debate on a few of his arguments, Miniter’s book contains the information we need to refute liberal claims that Bush was warned about 9/11, that the U.S. funded al Qaeda, etc.

Please join us on March 8. If you don’t get through the book or don’t even have a chance to start, there will still be plenty of discussion!


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