Sunday, February 19, 2006

Harebraned Behavior in the GA

Nickfinity has coined a new term: senatorbrained!

Maybe we need a new word - senatorbrained:
the reference is pretty clearly to the apparently stupidly senseless behaviour of legislators (specifically senators) in the general assembly session
Maybe that is a little harsh, but that they believe new revenue (taxes) must be created or raised every two years is absurd.

Why am I thinking oxymoron?


Blogger southannacitizen said...

Two years without a tax increase! Oh my! What could possibly be a better use of the hard-earned money of the people of Virginia than forking it over to a pork-hungry governor and state Senate?

We have a $1 billion SURPLUS. "SURPLUS"--that means the state is taking in more money than it needs. Take a hint, Senators, and not my money!

February 20, 2006 6:21 PM  

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